No-Follow Dr. Mitchell Corwin

Eating high oxalate foods daily and for extended periods of time, can cause a build up of oxalic acid in the body tissues, bones, organs, blood vessels, skin, and dramatically irritating nerves.   It is considered a hidden medical problem resulting in what is referred to as soft neurology complaints without objective findings.  It does not show up on blood / urine lab test or imaging studies.   In severe cases in will be the culprit of Kidney Stones (calcium-oxalate stones).
In the future I will add further comments.
Rather than presently go into dietary recommendations, the author 
Sally Norton, MPH   (​
 has done a terrific job in explaining and providing dietary recommendations in her two books:      Also available a downloadable PDF dietary list

                 Toxic Super foods                                      Data Companion handbook
                                                                                      (Diet Recommendations)           

Are you eating to many high oxalate foods in your diet?
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