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What's Special About Dr. Mitchell Corwin, D.C.!
Last update  ~ January 2025 ~        

What's New on My Website!      

  • Visual explanation of Dr. Corwin's treatment strategy (Flow Chart) {new}
  • Is your diet to high in Oxalate Foods ~ a potential hidden problem that is hard to diagnosis
  • History of Applied Kinesiology as told by founder Dr. George Goodheart {new}
  • Make an Appointment (please text [510-367-8475] for quickest response)
  • Nearly everything else  . . .
Website design by
 Mitchell Corwin 2008-24
Dr. Mitchell Corwin, D.C. provides complimentary/alternative health care using a method called Neural Organization Work (N.O.W.)  This work is based in Applied Kinesiology, which utilizes muscle testing as a functional neurological assessment tool.
Office Locations
Returns to Main Menu
Pleasant Hill
1924 Oak Park Blvd
office of
 Dr. John Erdmann
OakPark Shopping Mall
(510) 367.8475
Berkeley Office
2914 Domingo Ave
across from the 
Claremont Hotel
Primary Office Location
(510) 367.8475
Are your Vit. D levels adequate?
During the winter months increase your Vit D3 levels
My purpose is to address your health concerns swiftly and cost efficiently.
4450 Black Ave #E
office of
Dr. Grayce Stratton

(510) 367.8475
Sublease Office space
Craig's listing
San Rafael
710 C Street #9
office of
 Dr.Linda Berry
(new location 2023) 
(510) 367.8475